Monday, December 20, 2010

About food waste

Hi All

We are discussing much about poors.

But have we ever tried to look their problem ?

Their first problem is our food habit...

With this fast food culture we dont have idea how much we are eating and how much we are throwing in dustbin.

if you consider daily average 70 crore people of india daily wastes only 10 gram of food and throw eat in dustbin it is equal to 7000000 kg food in waste ..

Now consider those it equally distributed 100 gm in poor person then you are solving food problem of considerable population.

so best thing to start with is try hard hard don’t waste food and throw in dustbin..

so please try to eat, cook as you want

by this way we can cope poority.

owise governemnt rises tax which is not good for us.

also by doing all these ting you will save in your monthly budget wich you can use in your interested work.

it helps us to attack inflation.

Wich in terns helps the society.

so please

I request you all "Stop wasting food".

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